

Hi, my name is Emily! I live in beautiful Portland, OR, in the heart of a sweet neighborhood filled with community gardens, good neighbors, and near green parks/nature spots. I share a home with my sweet pup Mina, a sleepy, well-natured, snuggle bug who loves everyone (and is great with kiddos). I’m so fortunate to be neighbors with my loving mama, Diana, and her playful Labradoodle, Lola. My heart feels so full imagining becoming a mom, and my own mama eagerly awaits the joy of becoming a grandma to my future child.

My friends and family would describe me as empathetic, kindhearted, fun-loving, resilient, and creative. My world centers around the people I care for, and I’m incredibly grateful to walk through life with this village. I pride myself in carrying my core values and heart into all I do, striving to always be kind and genuine at work, and in all areas of my personal life.

I LOVE music, especially Hip Hop, Soul music, oldies, 60’s rock, and so much more. I live for living room dance parties, and listening to my favorite songs while painting is one of my favorite pastimes. I’m a big appreciator of art and go to see art in the community (murals/art shows) and create my own art using acrylics. I’ve been an artist for years, and during my time as a preschool teacher often created portraits of the children in my classrooms and often volunteered to face paint at school events. I love time in nature with my dog, sharing meals with my mom, reading books, and traveling with friends.

I’m a community manager and work with creative people (photographers/illustrators) and small business owners from around the globe. I love that my work allows me to collaborate with so many inspiring people and I’ve made great friends through work, even traveling to Scotland, Mexico, and Spain to see them.

I’ve wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember; the road to motherhood has included some challenges and losses, but these experiences have helped me become more resilient. I am so excited to be on the path to grow my family through adoption.

My dream is to create a world for my child that’s filled with love, in an environment which feels safe to learn, grow, and explore. My early childhood education background gives me the confidence that I have all the tools to help my child grow socially and emotionally, and I look forward to nurturing their interests, sharing my love of art and music, reading to them, spending time outside, and of course raising them alongside my mom and wonderful circle of friends.

Building an open relationship with my child’s birth family is something I feel so passionate about. Depending on the comfort of my child’s birth family, I would love to build a relationship that includes not only photos and check-ins, but opportunities to connect in real life and help this child know all the wonderful people that make up their story.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!





