Elizabeth and Michael


Hello! We are Elizabeth and Michael! We hope you like what you read!

After some witty banter on an online dating site, we decided to have our first date at a burlesque show at Kelly’s Olympian in downtown Portland on the Sunday before Valentine’s Day 2011. That first date set the tone for our lives together, as we have a lot of fun and spontaneous bursts of song and dance are common in our house.

Elizabeth is the creative brains behind our operations: she looks at life with a creative eye and fresh way of doing things. Whether it is redesigning the garden, creating a piece of art to add to the gallery wall, or installing a new kitchen floor, she has the ability to easily reimagine and improve. Where Elizabeth shines as the dreamer and schemer, Michael is the one to roll up his sleeves and make things happen. He’s all about the nitty-gritty details and wouldn’t hesitate to whip out a spreadsheet to map out his plans. Together, we are a dynamic duo turning ideas into reality and making our home a better place to live!

While we believe that work shouldn’t solely define us, we also recognize that finding fulfillment in one’s professional life can be important. Elizabeth leads a team of designers and researchers dedicated to enhancing user experiences for a leading car company. Meanwhile, Michael’s journey to finding his dream job culminated in February 2023. Drawing upon his decade-long experience in the finance industry, he now employs his analytical skills as a data and reporting specialist at a local animal shelter.

Our Oregon home is not only filled with the love we have for each other, but we also share our lives with three amazing animals. Our rescue labradoodle, Traveler, reminds us each day that he is happiest when the whole pack is together. He makes the cutest little sneezy sound when he thinks we are not giving him enough attention! The two cats in our lives are very different. Our 16 year old silver haired cat, Nico Jones, is loud and confident and our 12 year old orange and cream long haired cat, Izzy, is quiet and skittish. The trio make for a very interesting and entertaining group!

In our adoption journey, we’ve wholeheartedly embraced the open adoption process, believing it offers the adopted child the greatest opportunity for love and connection. We want the child’s birth family on this journey with us so that our child can be connected with their birth culture and heritage. Together, we aim to establish new traditions and customs, placing the child at the heart of our growing family. We eagerly anticipate the journey of learning and loving alongside our expanded family!

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