Learn more about open adoption
at the OA&FS Pre-Adoption Seminar.

Register now for upcoming seminars:

June 11/12

August 13/14

September 10/11

October 8/9

November 12/13

All Seminars are hosted remotely. Space is limited! Call 1-800-772-1115 or email lori@openadopt.org.

Join us for our comprehensive workshop that will paint a picture of what open adoption may look like for you. We’ll explore the emotional, procedural and legal issues involved in planning an open adoption as we review each step of the process.

Our seminar is a safe place to talk openly about your hopes, fears and preconceptions about open adoption. Counselor-led discussions will give you a realistic perspective of the important components to consider in adoption. Insights you gain in the seminar will be invaluable as you move forward.

A guest panel of birthparents and adoptive parents will share their adoption stories and answer questions, plus an adoption attorney joins in to discuss legal issues.

OA&FS adoptive parents Jen and Mike with their sons.

In this interactive workshop you will …

  • Learn about the philosophy of open adoption
    at OA&FS.
  • Explore any fears or questions you may have
    surrounding birthmothers, birthfathers and
    their families.
  • See how healthy open adoption relationships
    are built.
  • Learn how open adoptions benefit the adoptee
    throughout their childhood and into adulthood.
  • Hear a detailed account of the entire process:
    options counseling for expectant parents, the
    homestudy, being chosen by an expectant parent,
    adoption planning, the hospital experience
    and placement.
  • Review factors to consider in the screening
    process: attachment and bonding, mental
    health issues, drug and alcohol exposure,
    transracial adoption.
  • Create relationships with other participants as
    you build your open adoption community.

Feel at home in your open adoption.

Established in 1985, OA&FS has completed more than 1500 open adoptions and has extensive experience in creating life long relationships. This includes providing ongoing counseling for adoptive parents, birthparents, and adoptees.

And the legacy continues … teen and young adult OA&FS adoptees have returned to the agency as volunteers! We also have an adoptee on our Board of Directors, as well as birthparents and adoptive parents.

Attendees value insights, tools and information.

OA&FS Pre-Adoption Seminar FAQ.

  • How often are seminars held? Once a month.
  • How long is it? This 12-hour workshop runs from 12:30-5 pm on day one, and 9 am-5 pm on day two.
  • Where is it held? Seminars are held via Zoom.
  • Why is it scheduled on weekdays? Our guest speakers and adoption attorney are not able to present on the weekends. Also, our counselors are typically busy during evenings and weekends with placement work.
  • Does this satisfy the educational requirements for adoptive parents in Oregon and Washington? Yes.
  • Can families attend from anywhere in the U.S.? Yes. We work with expectant and adoptive parents from states all across the country.
  • How do I register? Contact OA&FS Client Services Manager Lori Maas at 503-226-4870, lori@openadopt.org, and she’ll let you know available dates and answer any questions you have about your specific situation.

Birthmothers Sage, (left) and Melissa speak at an OA&FS seminar.

Our panels of birth and adoptive parents offer wisdom online courses can’t match.

Learn first-hand from birthparent and adoptive parent panels how to navigate a successful open adoption relationship.

Hear about the joys and the challenges as these families build meaningful and satisfying lifelong relationships. Their personal stories and experiences will answer your questions and provide an insider’s view of open adoption.

“Excellent seminar. Lives up to expectations and keeps us excited.”

“I appreciated the in-depth discussion of openness. I was especially captivated by the personal accounts of the birthmom and adoptive parent panels. I also appreciated the openness with which we were able to talk about losses we experienced on our journey to adoption.”

“OA&FS put far more thought and care into the full lives, experiences, and emotions of all parties, including adoptive parents, birth parents, birthfathers, birth and adoptive extended families, etc.”

“By far the most open and affirming agency for same sex couples!”

“I think the notion of open adoption is still very scary to folks and this gave us a safe haven to explore these fears with others.”

“I appreciated the breadth of topics covered in this seminar; they raised a lot of issues that I hadn’t considered, but are important to evaluate and for which to prepare.”

“The integrity of the organization was clear. I’m so impressed with the healing culture of openness. The staff wowed me with their genuineness, breadth of knowledge, wisdom, and empathy.”